Can you carry Delta-9 on a plane?

Can You Carry Delta-9 on a Plane?

Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as delta-9 or THC, is the main psychoactive compound found in cannabis.

As the laws surrounding cannabis and its derivatives continue to evolve, many people are left wondering, “Can you carry Delta-9 on a plane?”

No. Carrying Delta-9 THC on a plane remains illegal under federal law in the United States, despite varying state laws regarding marijuana.

Individuals caught with Delta-9 THC at a security checkpoint could face legal repercussions.

Can You Fly with Delta-9? TSA Regulations  

The TSA is primarily concerned with ensuring the safety of passengers and preventing any potential threats to aviation security.

According to their official guidelines, the TSA does not specifically search for illegal drugs.

Their focus is on identifying items that may pose a risk to flight safety, such as weapons or explosives.

While the TSA’s main priority is not searching for delta-9 or other cannabis products, it’s important to note that they are federally regulated and must abide by federal law.

Cannabis, including delta-9, is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law.

Therefore, it is illegal to transport delta-9 across state lines – even between states where cannabis is legal for recreational or medical use.

As a result, unlike CBD gummies, which are legal to take with you in appropriate amounts, carrying delta-9 on a plane is strictly prohibited.

Can You Bring Delta-9 on a Plane? Airline Policies  

Different airlines may have varying policies regarding the transportation of cannabis products, including delta-9.

Let’s take a closer look at some popular airlines and their respective guidelines:


JetBlue follows federal regulations and prohibits the transportation of cannabis products, including delta-9, on their flights.

Regardless of whether you are traveling within a state where cannabis is legal, JetBlue adheres to federal law and does not permit the carriage of delta-9 on their planes.

International Flights  

In many cases inside AND outside the U.S., bringing delta-9 or any cannabis product on an international flight is strictly prohibited and can result in severe consequences, including legal action and potential imprisonment.

This is especially true in countries like Japan, where possession of even trace amounts of cannabis can result in serious penalties.

United Airlines  

United Airlines also complies with federal law and prohibits the transportation of cannabis products, including delta-9, on their flights.

Regardless of the legality of cannabis in your departure or arrival state, United Airlines does not permit the carriage of delta-9 on their planes.

American Airlines  

Similar to other airlines, American Airlines follows federal regulations and does not allow the transportation of cannabis products, including delta-9, on their flights.

It is important to note that this policy applies even if you are traveling between states where cannabis is legal.

In a Nutshell  

While the TSA’s primary focus is not specifically on searching for cannabis products, carrying delta-9, or any cannabis product, on a plane is against federal law.

(CBD, however, derived from hemp IS legal in airports.)

This means that regardless of the legality of cannabis in your departure or arrival location, it is illegal to transport delta-9 on a plane.

Most major airlines, including JetBlue, United Airlines, and American Airlines, prohibit the transportation of cannabis products, including delta-9, on their flights. So even if Delta-9 is legal in your state, leave it at home if you’re flying anywhere.

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