Can You Become Dependant on CBD for Sleep.

Can You Become Dependant on CBD for Sleep?

With the rising popularity of CBD as a natural remedy for a variety of health issues, many people are turning to it to help them start sleeping better.

But can you become dependent on CBD for sleep?

CBD is not addictive, and stopping its use does not lead to traditional withdrawal symptoms.

However, you may notice an adjustment period as your body readapts to functioning without it.

This is true for any changes you make in your routine – whether you are waking up earlier, cutting carbs, or drinking a new kinds of tea.

Let’s look at CBD for sleep and it’s benefits and risks.

10 Benefits of CBD… Including Sleep   

Here are 10 benefits of using CBD, with a focus on its impact on sleep:

  1. Reduces Anxiety: CBD has been shown to lower anxiety levels, which can help reduce sleep difficulties and improve sleep quality.
  2. Pain Relief: By reducing chronic pain, CBD can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
  3. Regulates Sleep Patterns: CBD may help regulate sleep patterns naturallly, promoting more consistent sleep cycles.
  4. Non-Psychoactive: Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it does not produce a “high.”
  5. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Its anti-inflammatory effects can help deal with various underlying conditions that might affect sleep.
  6. Eases Muscle Tension: CBD can help relieve muscle tension and discomfort, promoting relaxation before bedtime.
  7. Supports Mental Health: It is being studied for its potential role in treating conditions like depression and PTSD, which can affect sleep.
  8. Improves REM Sleep: CBD has been suggested to improve REM sleep abnormalities in people with certain disorders.
  9. Accessibility: It is widely accessible as a legal supplement in many areas.
  10. Low Side Effect Profile: CBD is generally well tolerated with a low side effect profile.

What Happens When You Stop Taking CBD for Sleep?   

It’s important to note that ANY change in a routine that your body has grown accustomed to can lead to an adjustment period.

However, stopping CBD does not lead to traditional withdrawal symptoms associated with addictive substances.

Instead, you might simply notice the return of insomnia or the original issues you were using CBD to manage, especially if you haven’t addressed the root cause of those issues.

The body needs to readjust to its previous state without CBD’s modulation.

Is There Withdrawal from CBD?   

According to research, including insights from Harvard Health, CBD does not have an addiction profile that would typically lead to dependence or withdrawal.

The World Health Organization has reported that CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential.

However, if you’re considering stopping CBD, it’s natural to experience an adjustment period as your body’s systems recalibrate.

This does not imply addiction but rather a normal response to ceasing an active agent that was part of your routine.

In a Nutshell 

While CBD is not addictive and won’t cause withdrawal in the traditional sense, it’s important to understand that any treatment or supplement can become a habitual part of your routine.

If you’re looking to use CBD for sleep, consider it a good part of a comprehensive approach to sleep hygiene.

Consult healthcare professionals to ensure it fits safely within your overall health strategy.

Our team at Bradford Wellness Co wants to help you make educated decisions about using CBD for sleep or other issues.

It’s your body, your life, and we support you in living it well.

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