Maybe you haven’t met our good friend CBD.
Bradford Wellness Co. wants to introduce you.
This post is for those beginning to learn about CBD gummies.
Maybe you heard about it from a friend or on the internet.
It’s really grown in popularity over the past few years. You may wonder:
- What Is CBD?
- Why do people take CBD?
- What’s the difference between CBD and cannabis?
- What is hemp?
- What is cannabis?
- What’s the history of CBD in America?
- What’s the difference between CBD And marijuana?
- Why are people talking about CBD?
- What does CBD do?
- Can I take CBD safely?

What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a naturally occurring cannabinoid present in the Cannabis Sativa plant and its derivatives.
It is one of over 100 compounds in the plant, and is known to have several therapeutic effects.
Unlike its more famous cousin, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it does NOT produce the “high” associated with marijuana.
This has made it popular among people seeking relief without the intoxicating effects of cannabis.
CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).
The ECS is responsible for regulating several physiological processes such as pain perception, mood regulation, sleep cycles, and others.
By boosting the body’s natural endocannabinoids, CBD may help to reduce inflammation and enhance homeostasis.
Some studies suggest that CBD could also be beneficial for conditions like:
- anxiety
- depression
- insomnia
- chronic pain
- seizures
- even cancer cells.
CBD can be consumed through various methods including:
- edibles – such as gummies or chocolates
- capsules/pills/tablets
- tinctures/drops/sprays
- vaping/smoking products (like e-cigarettes)
- topical creams and lotions
- suppositories
When used topically on the skin or when taken orally in pill form or as an oil extract under the tongue (sublingual administration), it enters systemic circulation faster because it doesn’t have to be broken down by the digestive system first.
As research into CBD continues to expand we will likely see more studies looking at its potential therapeutic uses.
Currently there are many anecdotal reports of users finding relief from anxiety symptoms and other ailments when using CBD products.
Larger scale studies are still needed to confirm these claims.
For those interested in trying out this compound it is important to speak with a doctor before starting any new treatments since CBD can interact with some medications and carry certain risks depending on how it is taken.
Why do people take CBD gummies?
People take CBD gummies for a variety of reasons.
Many users report that it helps them manage their stress levels, and the anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects of cannabidiol have been scientifically proven.
CBD products have been shown to help:
- reduce inflammation
- regulate mood
- improve sleep quality
- promote a relaxed state of mind
- relieve muscle spasms
- reduce chronic pain
- relieve nausea.
CBD is also believed to be beneficial for conditions such as epilepsy and autism due to its anticonvulsant properties.
Studies have found that it reduces the frequency of seizures in adult patients with epilepsy as well as improves behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Other research suggests that cannabidiol may help alleviate mental health symptoms associated with depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and schizophrenia.
Additionally, CBD could potentially be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease because it has neuroprotective properties and can help protect neurons from damage caused by oxidative stress.
Moreover, some people use CBD gummies as alternative health supplements or for general wellness purposes – for example to help boost immunity or promote healthy skin.
People who suffer from chronic illnesses may also choose to take CBD oil as part of their daily regimen.
It may help reduce inflammation throughout the body which is beneficial for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Lastly, many athletes are beginning to take advantage of the anti-inflammatory effects of cannabidiol.
Research suggests that it may reduce inflammation in joints and muscles which can lead to improved performance during strenuous physical activities such as running or weightlifting.

What’s the difference between CBD and cannabis?
The main difference between CBD and cannabis is that while they both come from the same plant species, Cannabis Sativa, CBD does not contain much THC – the psychoactive compound in marijuana that produces a high.
This means that consuming CBD will NOT create any psychoactive effects like feeling “stoned” or “high”.
Additionally, CBD is typically derived from hemp plants which have been bred to contain very low concentrations of THC (less than 0.3%).
On the other hand, cannabis usually contains high levels of THC which can produce mind-altering side effects when consumed.
Consequently, cannabis products are only legal for medicinal and recreational use in states where it has been approved.
Pure hemp-derived extracts containing no more than 0.3% THC are legal nationwide for purchase and consumption without a prescription or medical card.
What is hemp?
Hemp is a type of plant from the Cannabis Sativa species, and it is grown specifically for industrial purposes.
Hemp plants are tall and sturdy with a high fiber content and a low THC content.
It has been used for CENTURIES to produce paper, clothing, rope, fuel, food, and much more.
The fibers from hemp can be used to make strong fabrics that are breathable and durable.
Hemp seeds are also very nutritious and contain an array of essential fatty acids such as omega-3s and omega-6s.
These essential fatty acids have been linked to better heart health, improved brain functioning, reduced inflammation, improved digestion, and even lower levels of cholesterol.
Hemp is increasingly being recognized as a powerful renewable resource that doesn’t require harsh chemicals or irrigation to grow efficiently—in fact the crop uses very little water!
Hemp is also incredibly versatile—it can be used to create biodegradable plastics, building materials like insulation boards, textiles such as canvas or bedding material.
Hemp can even replace fuel sources in cars!
Countries around the world are beginning to invest heavily in hemp cultivation research so that it can become an even more sustainable source of valuable resources without impacting our environment too much.
All these varied uses make cannabis an incredibly versatile plant that could drastically reduce our reliance on synthetic substances while still providing us with all sorts of valuable resources made accessible by this amazing plant!
Moreover hemp requires NO pesticides or herbicides when grown because of its natural resistance to pests.
Additionally hemp can be grown in many different climates making it ideal for farmers looking for an additional crop option in their field rotation plans.
The numerous benefits of hemp make it one the most sustainable plants on the planet so it’s no surprise that countries around the world are beginning to invest heavily in hemp cultivation research.
From medical treatments like CBD products to clothing production or building materials—hemp provides an incredible number of possibilities that could drastically reduce our impact on the environment while providing us with valuable resources that have been made accessible by this plant.
What is cannabis?
Cannabis is a highly versatile plant from the Cannabis Sativa species, cultivated for a variety of uses including recreational and medicinal.
Marijuana is a type of cannabis, and it contains high levels of THC, which is the psychoactive compound that produces the “high” typically associated with marijuana.
Cannabis can be used to make edibles, oils, tinctures, joints, and more.
There are many strains of cannabis each with varying levels of THC and CBD content as well as different flavor profiles.
Many CBD products are made from hemp, which is another type of cannabis that has trace amounts of THC, so it will not get you high.
The effects of consuming cannabis can vary depending on the strain, method of ingestion, and individual biochemistry.
Generally speaking though, cannabis can lead to feelings of euphoria and relaxation as well as “the munchies” – an increase in appetite due to increased pleasure in eating.
Some people may also find it helps them relax or be creative.
On the other hand, too much THC can lead to unpleasant side effects such as anxiety and paranoia.
Cannabis has been used medicinally for centuries to help manage symptoms such as pain, nausea, inflammation, insomnia, depression/anxiety disorder and more.
Many people do not like the mind-altering effects of THC, but CBD is a great alternative because it does not have these psychoactive side effects.
Additionally, some states have approved the use of medical marijuana for certain conditions such as cancer and epilepsy.
With more research being conducted on cannabis, we are starting to understand its potential benefits and how it can be used responsibly for both recreational and medicinal purposes.
What’s the history of CBD in America?
The history of CBD in America is an interesting one.
Cannabidiol (CBD) has been used in various forms for centuries, but its popularity has significantly grown since the mid-1990s.
This is due to the discovery that CBD had a WIDE RANGE of potential medical benefits, which made it popular among those looking for natural remedies.
CBD was first identified by scientists in 1940 who were studying marijuana’s effects on the body.
However, it wasn’t until 1996 when California became the first US state to legalize medical marijuana that CBD started gaining attention and being widely used as a medical aid.
In 2018, the passage of the Farm Bill federally legalized hemp, making CBD products derived from hemp legal as well.
This opened up an entirely new market for CBD products and allowed consumers to access them all across the United States.
Since then, there have been many studies conducted into CBD’s effects on various conditions such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain and epilepsy.
These studies have found compelling evidence that suggests that CBD may be effective at managing these symptoms and more.
As a result of this research, more and more people are turning to CBD as an alternative form of treatment for their ailments rather than relying on pharmaceutical drugs with known side effects.
Furthermore, recent studies into different methods of consumption have revealed that both inhalation AND ingestion are safe and effective ways of using CBD products for therapeutic purposes.
Therefore there is now much greater accessibility to using this product compared to just a few years ago when smoking or vaping was the only available option for consuming cannabis derivatives like CBD oils or tinctures.
The future looks bright for CBD in America as more states continue to legalize medicinal marijuana use.
It’s likely that we will see more research conducted into how this powerful plant compound can help treat a myriad of illnesses and improve overall wellbeing through its therapeutic benefits – something that could drastically change our approach towards healthcare throughout the 21st century!
What’s the difference between CBD And marijuana?
The primary difference between CBD and marijuana is that CBD does not contain the psychoactive compound THC, which is responsible for the feeling of being ‘high’ when smoking or ingesting marijuana.
CBD yields ONLY therapeutic effects without any of the mind-altering features associated with THC.
Additionally, while both plants come from the same species (cannabis sativa), they are cultivated differently to produce distinct compounds.
Marijuana plants are typically grown to yield high levels of THC while hemp plants are grown specifically for their CBD content and generally have much lower concentrations of THC than marijuana plants.
CBD also differs from marijuana in terms of its legal status.
In many parts of the world, including most US states, products containing varying amounts of cannabidiol can be purchased legally without a prescription or medical card since it contains no controlled substances.
However, this is not true for recreational cannabis products, which remain regulated by law enforcement even in places where medicinal use has been decriminalized or legalized.
Ultimately, it’s important to understand your local laws regarding either substance before making decisions about their uses and consumption.
Why are people talking about CBD gummies?
People want the effects that CBD gummies can have on their body.
CBD gummies can have effects of calming, focus, pain relief, increased energy, relaxing, improved sleep, reduced anxiety and other effects. It depends on what type of CBD product you’re taking.
Some have found CBD to be a replacement for medical marijuana.
Others have found it to be an anxiety reducer.
What does CBD do?

The CBD in these gummies is a chemical compound that interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the human body.
(Other mammals, like dogs, also have an endocannabinoid system.)
This system helps regulate basic functions of the body across multiple systems such as the nervous system which has pain receptors.
Once CBD gummies are taken, the endocannabinoid system’s receptors move towards homeostasis, which is a stable equilibrium across multiple body systems.
This can cause numerous benefits across multiple systems in the body.
Can I take CBD gummies safely?
In many cases, yes.
However, if you’re unsure please consult your doctor.
For example, CBD gummies may make you feel relaxed or relieve pain.
Once again, it depends on what type of CBD product you’re taking and how you’re taking it.
It may be best to start on a low dosage and increase over time.
In a Nutshell
To sum it up, CBD gummies are becoming more and more popular for enjoying the benefits of cannabidiol.
They’re an easy, discreet, and tasty way to take CBD and find relief from things like anxiety, pain, and sleep issues.
While more research is needed to fully understand its potential, both science and personal stories show that CBD gummies can help improve overall well-being.
Just like any supplement, it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider before starting anything new.
Remember, responsible and informed use is key to getting the most out of CBD gummies as well as other products.