Do CBD Softgels Expire

Do CBD Softgels Expire?

Do CBD softgels expire?

Yes, CBD softgels do expire.

CBD softgels, like many other health supplements, have a shelf life.

Understanding the shelf life of your CBD products is really imprtant to make sure you’re getting the full benefits they offer.

In this post, we’ll dive into the shelf life of CBD softgels, how to tell if they’ve gone bad, and tips for confirming you get the most out of every pill.

What is the Shelf Life of CBD Softgels? 

CBD softgels usually last between 18 to 24 months from the date they were made.

This can vary depending on how they’re made and what ingredients are in them.

For example, full-spectrum CBD softgels might have a different shelf life compared to CBD isolates or broad-spectrum products because of the extra cannabinoids and terpenes that can break down over time.

At Bradford Wellness Co., we make our CBD softgels with high-quality ingredients and durable bottle.

Our softgels, including our popular CBD and Focus CBD Softgels, are designed to last as long as possible.

How Can You Tell if CBD Softgels Have Expired? 

There are a few signs that your CBD softgels might be past their prime.

First off, check the expiration date on the bottle.

If it’s expired, it’s time to toss them.

But even before they hit that date, there are a few other things to look out for:

  • Change in Smell:  Fresh CBD softgels have a mild, earthy smell. If they start to smell funky or rancid, that’s a bad sign.
  • Change in Appearance:  Look for discoloration or changes in texture. Expired softgels might look cloudy or different in color from when you first got them.
  • Change in Taste:  If they taste bitter or off, they’re probably no good anymore.

How Should CBD Softgels Be Stored to Maximize Their Shelf Life? 

Keeping your CBD softgels in the right conditions can help them last longer.

Here’s what to do:

  • Keep Them Cool:  Store them in a cool, dark place. Heat can make the oil go bad faster. Avoid places like your car or windowsills where temperatures can change a lot.
  • Avoid Light Exposure:  UV light can break down the cannabinoids. Use containers that block out light, like opaque or amber-colored ones.
  • Seal Tightly:  Make sure the container is tightly sealed after you open it. Air can speed up the breakdown process.

Following these tips can help keep your CBD softgels, including those with melatonin, fresh for as long as possible.

What Happens if You Accidentally Take Expired CBD Softgels? 

If you accidentally take expired CBD softgels, don’t worry too much.

Here’s what might happen:

  • Less Effective: The main issue with expired CBD softgels is that they might not work as well. You might not get the full benefits you’re used to.
  • Digestive Discomfort: Sometimes, taking expired supplements can cause mild stomach issues, like nausea or an upset stomach, especially if the oil inside has started to spoil.
  • Off Taste: They might taste bad, as the oils in the softgels can degrade over time.

If you realize you’ve taken expired softgels, it’s no big deal.

Just grab a fresh bottle next time.

At Bradford Wellness Co., we make sure our products, like the Intensive Relief CBD Roll-On Gel and our CBD bath bombs, are always fresh and ready to use.

In a Nutshell 

CBD softgels and others CBD products like CBD gummies, CBD oil, etc, do expire.

But with proper storage, you can keep them fresh and effective for longer.

Always check for expiration dates and look out for signs that they might be going bad.

Store your softgels in a cool, dark place and keep the container sealed tight.

Knowing these simple tips will help you make the most of your CBD supplements, including figuring out the best time to take CBD softgels for the best results.

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