Does THC Affect Breastmilk

Does THC Affect Breastmilk?

When it comes to the health and happiness of you and your baby, understanding how different substances might affect your breastmilk is important.

Does THC affect breastmilk?

Yes, THC can get into breastmilk and might pose risks for your little one.

You’ll need to find safe and effective alternatives for managing anxiety, pain, and sleep problems during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What Are the Effects of THC on Breast Milk? 

THC, the active compound in marijuana, can transfer into your breastmilk.

This means if you use marijuana or any THC products, your baby might ingest some of it.

THC can linger in fat cells and be released over time, potentially affecting your baby’s development and overall health.

What Are the Potential Risks of THC in Breastmilk for My Baby? 

The potential risks of THC in breastmilk for your baby are pretty significant.

Studies suggest that THC can mess with a baby’s brain development.

Since THC affects the central nervous system, it could interfere with your baby’s brain growth, which is really important during those first few months.

There’s also a chance that THC could cause physical developmental delays.

Babies who get THC through breastmilk might take longer to reach their milestones compared to babies who aren’t exposed to it.

On top of that, THC could mess with your baby’s sleep patterns and feeding habits.

Your baby might become fussier, have trouble sleeping, or not feed as well.

These changes can affect how they grow and develop.

Are There Any Guidelines for Breastfeeding and THC Use? 

Given these risks, many health experts suggest steering clear of THC while breastfeeding.

Both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that breastfeeding moms avoid THC to protect their babies from any potential harm.

If you’re using THC, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

They can give you advice and support, emphasizing the importance of staying away from THC to keep your baby safe and healthy.

If you’re looking for wellness products, you’ll need to avoid hemp oil while breastfeeding, too.

Hemp oil – often another name of CBD – is not recommended while nursing either.

Hemp oil comes from the hemp plant and has very low levels of THC, making it a safer choice BUT is still not researched for it’s long term effects on babies.

It’s important to always talk with your doctor about any supplements you’re considering to make sure they’re okay for you and your baby.

Practical Steps for Mothers 

For moms worried about THC in breastmilk, here are some tips:

  • Skip THC Products: This means no marijuana, edibles, or any THC-infused products.
  • Talk to Your Doctor: Always check in with your healthcare provider about any substance use.
  • Look for Alternatives: Consider other natural remedies that have been found safe for babies.

Understanding THC During Pregnancy 

It’s just as important to think about using THC during pregnancy.

THC can cross the placenta and affect your baby before they’re even born.

This exposure can lead to issues like low birth weight and developmental problems.

So, avoiding THC during pregnancy is key to giving your baby the best start in life.

In a Nutshell  

THC does affect breastmilk and can pose some serious risks for your baby.

Health experts strongly advise avoiding THC during pregnancy and breastfeeding to keep both you and your baby healthy.

We hope this info helps you feel more informed and confident about making the best choices for you and your baby.

Remember, we’re all about keeping things natural and safe at Bradford Wellness Co. and we’re always here to support you!

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